Welcome to Florida Free Poker

Recent Updates

Wed Mar-26Salsa Resturant and Bar
Tue Mar-25City Star Diner
Mon Mar-24Puddle Jumpers
Sat Mar-22The Dog House
Fri Mar-21The Warehouse Social Club &
Thu Mar-20City Star Diner
Wed Mar-19Salsa Resturant and Bar
Tue Mar-18City Star Diner
Mon Mar-17Puddle Jumpers
Sat Mar-15The Dog House
Fri Mar-14The Warehouse Social Club &
Thu Mar-13City Star Diner
Wed Mar-12Salsa Resturant and Bar


Player Points
Mary Shinavar 371
Sherri Yochum 338
Harve Tolbert 333
Christine Deplanck 332
Rosemary Lake 320
Wayne Hawthorne 298
Alex Weever 277
Mina Tolbert (ET) 272
Tom Vermeulen 225
Sandi Small 212
Adam Kamerow 175
Mary Malaszek 174
Steven Edwards 162
John Hilleary 159
Kathi Yelcho 157
Jean Pipkin 149
Rodney Gipe 142
Bob Small 137
Grace Jackson 129
Tim Smithers 126
Pam Roop 123
Andy Buckley 118
EJ Luke 98
Ryan Kilgore 92
Debra Luke 85
Chris Snider 81
Jerry Edmond 81
Barry Fox 77
Rick Thomas 74
Vickie Eberly 73
Carol Steele 71
Bert Klusmeier 69
Dottie Au 66
Bob Post 56
Don Klusmeier 56
Gail Evans 56
Claudia Hanes 54
Mike Billings 48
Frieda Landau 36
John Stewart 35
Wendy Bartal 35
Brandy Baggett 33
Marvin Bartal 33
Don Sweeney 31
Aaron White 29
Jacob McCallister 28
Laura Mitchell 25
Ninoska White 25
Bill McAllister 23
Frank L 23
Tom Tz 23
Julie T 19
Dale Blakely 18
Jeff Virdan 18
Shirley Robbins 16
Adam Brakefield 13
John Chrapa 11
Paul McAllister 11
Robyn Dowsey 10
Carolyn Smith 9
Harry Phillips 9
Jerry Jackson 9
John Scholz 9
Larry St. Cyr 9
Phil Hadsell 9
Al Jaynes 8
Jackson Van Zant 8
Anna Pack 7
Tim Yochum 6
Bob Morgans 5
Kyle Harrison 5
Dillion Pucket 4
J.P. Darlo 4
Larry Mansfield 4
Marty Robbins 4
Peggy Terpenning 4
Tammy Amirault 4
Jackson Rooney 3
Suzanne Malasek 3
Blake Smith 2
John Sondergeld 2
Jonathan Sanders 2
Paul Brannock 2
Robert Ezzell 2
Thomas Smith 2
Amanda Gerker 1
Brandon Morrison 1
Bryant Edwards 1
Gary Stellges 1
Jermiah Craft 1
Jose Gonzales 1
Logan Edwards 1
Robin Leachrfon 1
Ron Allen 1
Steve Volkle 1
Susie Elaine Edwards 1
Tom Dolan 1

We are Central Florida’s home for Free Tournament Style Texas Hold’em. Come visit us at any one of our many locations. Play against local players in a friendly, fun-filled atmosphere for your chance to win great prizes. Come to learn or to brush up on your game. Games are FREE TO PLAY. Earn points towards triannual tournaments where you can win prizes.

Our Nightly Tournament Schedule

Sign up begins 30 minutes prior to start time.

MondayPuddle JumpersTavares5:30pm
TuesdayCity Star DinerLeesburg5:00pm
WednesdaySalsa Restaurant and BarTavares 5:00pm
ThursdayCity Star DinerLeesburg5:00pm
FridayThe Warehouse Social Club Leesburg1:00pm
SaturdayThe Dog HouseTavares1:00pm

Upcoming Tournaments

Date / TimeLocationDetails
April 5 / 12:30pmPuddle JumpersTriannual TournamentDoors open at 11:00am for Lunch
May 4 / 1:00pmThe Dog HouseVenue Leaders TournamentDoors open at 11:30am for Lunch

Special Hands

March Bounty: Any Club Flush wins a point…must go to showdown…Unlimited
March Promotion: Knock out the King or Queen at the table and get a point. Before each game the dealer will select a King and Queen for the table (selected randomly); if they win the game the King and/or Queen will retain the point.


March Birthdays

Our Dealers